ISSI specializes in providing “innovative solutions” that meet today’s increasing demand for companies capable of successfully delivering turnkey solutions. With proliferation and diversity of the security systems and rapid advances in the corresponding technologies, organizations are more and more seeking companies that can deliver turnkey enterprise solutions tailored to meet the business and operational requirements of the entire organization in whole instead of individual departments.
ISSI understands that you have many choices when it comes to choosing a qualified system integrator to support your organization’s requirement for security systems. Some of ISSI’s implicit and explicit service differentiation factors are listed below for your considerations.

With our extensive experience and expertise in system integration, we are here to help government agencies, large system integrators and other companies meet their Small Business participation obligations while providing highly sought-after security system expertise.
With the influx of innovative technologies, there is an expanding supply of security systems and products that makes keeping up to date with the technology advancements a challenge for any organization. The demand for public safety and more secure facilities, coupled with computerized technology, is making the security system design and integration into the science of its own something that ISSI has recognized early on and committed to it in the form of unique turnkey solutions.
Once we identify the best of the breed technologies, we collaborate with our partner companies to offer these highly specialized services to a wide range of clients across various industries. This strategy makes our services more streamlined with reduced market to delivery timelines for which we are well recognized by our clients as well as business partners and manufacturers.
As a small company with fewer management layers, red tapes and subject matter experts, we can more effectively subscribe to AAA in incorporating new technologies or system enhancements into our business processes and take them to market faster. This flexibility helps our clients to more rapidly transition into the new technologies at almost any phase of their project compared to larger companies where evaluation of technology integration and impact to cost and schedule requires approval from many different layers of management and consensus amongst a large number of subject matter experts each with different perspective on new technologies. We are more often able to accommodate the change in scope of work that involves change of hardware or software with no or minimal impact to cost or schedule while larger companies will have to allow for larger evaluation cycles and approval procedures.
ISSI provides creative security system solutions that bridges the inherent gap between architects and security professionals by substituting traditional security elements with integration of the advanced security sensors and analytics that improve the facility design without compromising the security. We offer innovative solutions through Automation and Analytics that are more efficient in denying access to a crime target compared to traditional barrier techniques such as locks, alarms, fences, and gates.
At ISSI, we believe security system design involves the systematic integration of (a) design, (b) technology, and (c) operation for the protection of three critical assets – people, information, and property specially where Public Safety and Security is at risk.
ISSI will engage at least three categories of subject matter experts who will work hand in hand with your stakeholders from your organizations to ensure in creating cohesive security system design for your facility that balances between security and ease of use. These subject matters are: (a) security system’s solution architects that are well versed with the latest technologies, (b) security consultants mostly comprised of former law enforcement officers with extensive experience with Public Safety, and (c) operations consultant who can evaluate the operational implications of the desired security requirements.
Integrated Security Solutions Inc. supports the horizontal approach in the development and deployment of enterprise security architecture for large organizations by offering solutions around the processes, not departments. We assist our clients in outlining the boundaries of each security system component in meeting the user needs on the one hand and defining integration points between desired components to satisfy the management’s interoperability requirements on the other hand.
Our solutions revolve around a component orientation that enables the transition to modular, smaller, and more easily upgradeable systems. Once our clients are successfully migrated from the legacy systems to the new information system boundaries, each new individual system can more easily be replaced with another system utilizing new technology but with the exact same boundaries. We ensure the boundaries of each system in our architected environment never change, just the particular technology or process methodology. After all, every new system will ultimately become a legacy system at some point.
ISSI’s methodology and approach to security systems architecture allow us to quickly substitute any component with a more advanced product that better meets our client’s requirement with minimal impact to the cost or schedule when one becomes available at any stage of the design or implementation. We believe the customer doesn’t have to pay extra if we can provide them with for example a better security camera model at no additional cost when one becomes available to us by the time we are ready to order them during the project although the contract calls for an older model. Most large companies are either unable or unwilling to accommodate gold plating because of unknown risks to their original project plan or propose cost prohibitive “change orders” to benefit their companies bottom-line. This often results in an organization settling for a solution or component that is already “outdated” or fails to meet the new stakeholder requirements.
ISSI believes that “change in the circumstances” in projects with over 3-4 years life cycles is normal phenomena in today’s fast paced technology improvements. Today, for example most high-density hard drives or standard definition cameras from four years ago are almost obsolete. New sensors and improved hardware are introduced to market almost on monthly basis. We are committed to work with our clients in identifying and quickly switching the outdated components at stage in the project with minimal or no impact to cost and/or schedule to allow our clients avoid procurement of components that are end of life before they are even installed. As a small company, we can more easily accommodate the need for integration of new technology than large corporations. Over the years we have successfully accommodated numerous customer change requests with zero impact to the project cost/schedule as it can be attested by our customer.
We invest heavily upfront in the evaluation of the cutting-edge technologies to handpick the finest products for our clients and offer innovative solutions and enhancements by maintaining a close working partnership with the most reputable security system vendors in the industry.
As value-added reseller, we are therefor able to extend additional services to our customers including free professional services for site survey, design and sizing of the solution that we sell. We also offer white glove delivery and installation services with the sale of servers and storage systems.
With the sales of security cameras and wireless antennas, we also provide no fee site survey to identify the exact make and model of the device suitable for every location. The security cameras and wireless devices will be delivered to the customer with all necessary custom configurations and IP addresses to meet the site conditions and purpose for which the device was selected.
Our customer benefit from these value-added services knowing that we are here to help them successfully implement these products and they don’t have to either figure things out by themselves or get stuck with products that won’t meet their requirements.
Our partners benefit from these value-added services knowing that their products are supported by licensed reseller and configured exactly as required to meet customer requirements. Over the years, the pre and post-sales support services of ISSI has tremendously helped customer retention and loyalty for many years which can be found in the testimonial by our customers and partner vendors alike.
ISSI has experience working across multiple industries as shown by the range of projects we have completed. Often security requirements and experience gained in one industry such as financial institutions that seems completely irrelevant to transportation or airport security become very vital in successfully resolving a challenge as system integrator having exposure to multiple vertical industries. For the past 12 years, ISSI has also contributed positively to enhancements of many security system products. While on the one hand we work with security professionals and organizations to identify the latest security trends and requirements, on the other hand we collaborate with our business partners and security system vendors to incorporate new features into the security products that address the new user requirements and enhance the security posture of large organizations in general. We continue to get new products and evaluate them at no cost to meet our obligations to the noble cause of public safety and security.
As a security systems integration specialist, ISSI is uniquely qualified to assist major organizations in identifying their security requirements and offering them either a turnkey solution for a new security system or outlining and executing a cost-effective integration for their existing security systems to reinforce the organization’s security objectives.